Welcome to Newsletter #39 (Jan 2025)!
A New Year dawns – we expect lots of changes this year and look forward to the promise 2025 brings.
The series on various ministries in our church continues with a focus on Stewardship and the Stewardship Committee (A small but effective group!)
The Diocese has a book of Resources for Parish Leaders which defines Stewardship as:
“Using the gifts God gives us to do the mission God is calling us to do.”
I love that definition as it broadens the scope of what we understand as “Stewardship”. So often we focus on money, and, while that is very important in keeping the doors of the Church open, it underlines that our gifts encompass much more and there are many ways to contribute.
The Stewardship Committee tries to honour that broad focus and chooses newsletter topics which reflect it, including articles on health and wellbeing, respect for others and the environment, as well as a host of other ideas. The series on various ministries is also an example, highlighting different ways each of us can contribute to parish life.
The committee advises on fundraising, but the Church Committee makes the final decisions.
This year we have been quite successful in supporting causes near to our hearts such as PWRDF, the Mission to Seafarers, WomanCare and support and supplies for Ukraine when our Interim priest, Paul, visited there.
“Asking for money” is often what people find off-putting when they think of Stewardship, but Henri J.M. Nouwen in “The Spirituality of Fundraising” turns the concept around in a refreshing way:
“Fund-raising is proclaiming what we believe in such a way that we offer other people an opportunity to participate with us in our vision and mission. Fundraising is precisely the opposite of begging…. we are declaring, “We have a vision that is amazing and exciting. We are inviting you to invest yourself through the resources God has given you – your energy, your prayers and your money – in this work to which God has called us.”
So, while we need the generous contributions that parishioners are able to give monetarily, stewardship is so much more!
No, we will not be selling items on eBay!
If you are interested in joining the Stewardship committee, or sharing your ideas with us, please speak to me (Janet) or any member of the committee (Marjorie, Betty R, or Melanie).
If you are interested in using the PAD (pre-authorized debit program) through the Diocese for your regular contributions, please speak to Janet or pick up a form outside the office. That way you are covered even if you miss a week.
By the way, since I mentioned fundraising – the Holly Tea was very successful. We raised $3,638.31!! Possibly a record. Thanks to everyone for their hard work and organization – it certainly paid off and seems to have been a lot of fun for those who attended. As always, Beth Scott organized a delicious “Tea” with her kitchen helpers, the Pathfinders were delightful servers and Carol Trueman and her crew sold crafts, jewelry etc. The Bake table did particularly well!
Unfortunately, everyone was too busy to take photos. Next time we must find a “designated photographer”!
The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund has been a part of our stewardship life for a long time.
Now it is changing names, as the acronym is often confusing for those who aren’t familiar with the meaning. The new name is “ALONGSIDE HOPE - Anglicans and partners working for change in Canada and around the world “.
Here is what they are saying:
“Alongside Hope emphasizes themes of partnership, accompaniment, community and teamwork.
It honours our organization’s legacy as an Anglican aid organization (PWRDF) and it will carry us forward into the future.
As we walk alongside our partners and many supporters, listening and sharing with one another, we embrace and embody the hope of a truly just, healthy and peaceful world.”
More information can be found at: https://pwrdf.org
At Christmastime we donated gifts and gift cards to the Christmas Hamper Society and also gave $375 worth of gift cards to a family referred by WomanCare.
We also received a very nice letter and some pictures from the Mission to Seafarers after they received our Christmas donations of toques, bags and various “filler” items, including snacks and toiletries. Please see the letter on the notice board.
And here is a very happy looking bunch of Seafarers!
Life is your gift Creator God, Life is your gift to me.
Through Baptism, you invite me to share the gift of my life in service to others.
Be with me as I choose each day to show Your Presence in our world.
Give me the courage and generosity to respond to Your love, to Your call.
Together, as people of faith, open our minds and hearts that we may accept Your challenge to build the Kingdom in our parish, our community and our world.
For if not us, who?
If not here, where?
If not now, when?
If not for Your Kingdom, why?
We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.
(from http://anglicanprayer.org – adapted)
Finally, please remember that the annual Vestry meeting will take place on Sunday February 16th after the 10 am service.
Plan to attend this important yearly review/ future planning meeting, which is an essential part of the ongoing life of our Parish.